Company Admin/Company Editor/Site Admin/Site Editor can see all bins and can add/remove parts
Staff can see but not add/remove parts from bins
Submitters/Tenants/Viewers/Vendors cannot access bins
1. Scan Bin QR Code:
Bin Name
Bin Number
“Add Part” button
List of parts in the bin:
Part Name
Part Number
Quantity in Bin
*Company Admin/Company Editor/Site Admin/Site Editor/Staff can see this screen.
*Submitters/Tenants/Viewers/Vendors cannot.
Bin List Screen:
Company Admin/Company Editor/Site Admin/Site Editor can select part to add/remove parts from bin. Staff cannot select parts
2. To add/remove parts from bin, select desired part from the list.
Part Name
Part Number
Quantity in Bin (total amount of that part in the bin)
Quantity Available (amount of parts not in any bin)
Box to enter Quantity
Add button, remove button
Buttons double as save buttons and adjust the total parts in bin.
Cancel Button
Adding/removing parts from bin:
1/2 B. Combine 1 + 2 into one screen option:
See all bins, quantities and add and remove from same screen.
3. Select the “Add Part” button will allow you to add a new part to the bin (since it is not in the bin, it cannot be selected from the list)
Options to select part from a list or scan the Parts QR Barcode.
This should work the same way as adding a part to a work order.
“Add Part” button
“Scan Part” button
Select Part from drop-down list (similar to adding part to work order)
Adding part to bin:
Once a part is selected, choose the quantity to add to the bin.
Quantity available is the amount of parts on hand not currently in a bin.
Can add multiple different parts to the bin add once If Part being added is already in the bin, merge them together, adding the 2 totals together.
4. Selectin a Bin from menu
Menu options available in main menu under “My WO’s”
Menu option called “Bins”
Selecting “Bins” brings up a list of all bins in the Site.
List each Bins name and number: Bin Name
Bin Number
Select a bin will bring up the parts available in that bin. (See #1).
5. Adding parts to work order
If client has not created any bins in their account, nothing in this process changes.
If client has created Bins:
Initial screen doesn’t change
If part added or scanned in also linked to a bin, adding the part should bring up a list of the quantity of parts not currently binned, as well as each bin the part is linked to and the quantity in that bin.
6. Scanning a Part QR Code
Scanning a part’s QR code should bring up current menu.
Selecting the Inventory should now list all inventory, including bins where the part is located.
Option A: Simple List; select to add and remove
Similar to Bin menu option, but reverse Parts and Bins
Select the bin lets you add to remove parts from bin.
Option B: Combined list
List of all bins, can add or remove from the same screen.
1. Assets
a. While creating Assets, the uniqueness for a record is Site Name + Asset Name.
b. Data will get override for a record if Site Name + Asset Name is already present in database. Then, it will update other fields for that record. Else it will create a new record for that Site.
2. Bins
a. While Creating Bins, the uniqueness for a record is Site Name + Bin Name.
b. Data will get override for a record if Site Name + Bin Name is already present in database. Then, it will update other fields for that record. Else it will create a new record for that Site.
3. Building
a. While Creating Building, the uniqueness for a record is Site Name + Building Name.
b. Data will get override for a record if Site Name + Building Name is already present in database. Then, it will update other fields for that record. Else it will create a new record for that Site.
4. Location
a. While Creating Location, the uniqueness for a record is Site Name + Location Name + Building Name. In this case we can have same Site Name and Location Name but Building Name must be unique. For example (Maxpanda HQ + Room 001 + Building A) and (Maxpanda HQ + Room 001 + Building B). Both records are new records.
b. Data will override for a record if Site Name + Location Name + Building Name is already present in database. Then, it will update other fields for that record. Else it will create a new record for that Site.
5. Part
a. While Creating Part, the uniqueness for a record is Site Name + Part Name.
b. Data will override for a record if Site Name + Part Name is already present in database. Then, it will update other fields for that record. Else it will create a new record for that Site.
6. Vendor
a. While Creating Vendor, the uniqueness for a record is Site Name + Vendor Name.
b. Data will override for a record if Site Name + Vendor Name is already present in database. Then, it will update other fields for that record. Else it will create a new record for that Site.
7. Customer
a. While Creating Customer, the uniqueness for a record is Site Name + Customer Email.
b. Data will override for a record if Site Name + Customer Email is already present in database. Then, it will update other fields for that record. Else it will create a new record for that Site.