Unlimited Maintenance Management Work Orders on the Enterprise

Maxpanda conveniently organizes your day to day and preventative work orders (wo’s). WO’s are very permission based. The software is dependent on these permissions to allow user view.edit rights. Email and push notifications are also sent per STATUS change. Review this PDF (download it and print it) for detailed email and push triggers.

View All – This is the default list for all your generated work orders. Here you can;
1. Edit work orders
2. Filter work orders to find what you’re looking for
3. Import your work order to excel, adobe, etc
4. Add work orders

View Overdue – Lists all overdue work orders (RED)

This is a very important feature of Maxpanda CMMS system as you can view, edit and filter all of your overdue work orders.

View Pending – You need to approve these work orders. They’re in limbo.
This tab will be a very important page for your administrator, secretary, office staff, etc whom are looking over all work orders within your organization. When work orders are submitted they will need to be approved before they go live to your staff or vendors. To do so, click on the edit button circled.

Once here, your admin user or editor should review the entire work order before approving. It is important to make sure all tasks, staff, parts, etc. are correctly assigned to the work order. The admin/editor can also make changes to the work order. Once he/she has done so, they can either: 1. approve the work order or 2. Cancel the work order

Once it is approved, all involved users will receive email notification regarding the work order. It will then show up on their to-do list.
Create New – Create a new work order. You can do it!
You can submit work orders by clicking on the green ‘submit wo’ at the top of the page, click ADD in the view all menu, or by simply clicking the Submit wo tab.

Steps: 1. Fill in required fields;
a. Title – This is the title in your subject line that shows up in the email sent to all staff involved
b. Category – Select from the drop down menu the type of work order. To learn how to add an additional work order category please see section 18 (company setup) by clicking here
c. Priority – Select from the drop down menu the level of priority. To learn how to add an additional level of priority please see section 18 (company setup) by clicking here
d. Start and end date – the start and end date is automatically set to start on the creation date and end 7 days in the future. You can set these for any dates. Note: Only the admin and editor can change these dates, all other users cannot.

2. Fill-in non-required fields a. Fill in field you feel is necessary for your work order.

Staff Work Orders – Search and organize your work orders by internal resources (maintenance staff). All you need to do is enter the date range and choose which staff you will like to view.
My Work Orders – These are all the work orders you’ve submitted into your account.
My To Do List – You’ve been assigned to these work orders. Let’s get to work.