Best Maintenance Management Software for Non profits
Deferred maintenance is an endemic problem for non-profit organizations. Squeezed for money, non-profits typically forego required maintenance to fund their core services. A non-profit's facility represents the organization's mission; in addition it should provide a welcoming space for stake-holders and board members. The facility also requires the same level of maintenance and management as a similar asset owned by a for-profit organization. Frequently those needs are met by sound facility leadership and management techniques that are not typically adopted by volunteer boards and paid staff.
Many non-profits face the same problems: insufficient funding; stable programming issues; poor capital planning; huge backlog of deferred maintenance; poor financial management of the operating and maintenance (O&M) budget; and an ineffective (and sometimes unhealthy) work / service environment. Even worse is that many non-profits are not aware that there are opportunities to make huge improvements. To deliver the core missions supported by the non-profit, the organization needs to stay focused on the core values they provide their target community.
Typically non-profits choose to place their largest overhead cost, their greatest influence on customer service, their custodian of 86% of the whole life cost of their assets with a single handyman / custodian and a revolving volunteer building committee - neither of whose core business is Strategic Facility Management (SFM). Non-profits hire legal and financial experts because of their statutory knowledge, competency and experience. Why would they not do the same to help manage their facility? Maxpanda enables non-profits to leverage a cost effective cmms solution to help manage their facilities and enables you to draw upon a wider range of facility solutions.
Use our enterprise asset management software or cmms for non profit organizations - computerized maintenance management system to track and report on daily & preventative maintenance work orders & costs. Your nonprofit organization demands on quality assurances from your maintenance department. Give it to them! Maxpanda CMMS conveniently organizes your day to day and preventative work orders (wo's). WO's are very permission based. The management software is dependent on these permissions to allow users view or edit rights within the Maintenance Management Software for Nonprofits. After signing up please email us your COMPANY ID so we can bump you up 1 level, for free and forever.
Non profit View Overdue - Lists all overdue work orders (COLORED RED): This is a very important feature of Maxpanda's system as you can view, edit and filter all of your overdue work orders. View Pending (COLORED YELLOW) - You need to approve these work orders. This tab will be a very important page for your administrator, secretary, office staff, etc whom are looking over all work orders within your janitorial work management system for non profit businesses. When work orders are submitted they will need to be approved before they go live to your staff or vendors. Admin users or editors should review the entire work order before approving. It is important to make sure all tasks, staff, parts, etc. are correctly assigned to the work order. The admin/editor can also make changes to the work order. Once he/she has done so, they can either: 1. approve the work order or 2. Cancel the work order. Once it is approved, all involved Maintenance Management system for non profit users will receive email notification regarding the work order. It will then show up on their to-do list. You can submit work orders by clicking on the green submit wo at the top of the page, click ADD in the view all menu, or by simply clicking the Submit WO tab.
Let's get some work done, together. We strive hard to ensure every one of our clients gets the most out of Maxpanda with as little effort as possible, and that's especially true for nonprofits. As a professional in a non profit you are accountable for your donor funds and you want to achieve the best possible results. With a clear mission and a limited budget, your purchase decisions must be based on various options. Our NPD applies to institutions & other non profit organizations with a 501(c)(3).
Savings Tip #1
Beware of in-house printing for your newsletter or other printed materials. While today is the age of everyone using high-tech computers and printers allowing most of us to produce a wonderful looking product, be careful. Make sure you honestly run the numbers on all the cost. Include the time staff spends on printing and folding, the repair cost to the copying machines and supply cost, versus taking the project to a local printer. Better yet, go digital through Maxpanda and never print a work order again.
Savings Tip #2
Invest in prevention! It is important to be covered for those really big and unexpected expenses. Every nonprofit should have “directors and officers insurance” that covers the board in case of lawsuits. You should look at insurance that includes fire, flood, plate glass coverage, computer hardware and cmms software, theft, and dishonesty. Better yet, go digital through Maxpanda and never print a work order again.
Savings Tip #3
Invest in accountability. You should have a “Board Member Performance Plan” for everyone who is asked to serve on the board. Board members need to know what is expected of them. Board members should not only be advisors but active in raising funds and providing the vision for the future of the organization. Likewise, there should be written job descriptions for all staff members as well as the minimum of an annual review. Better yet, go digital with GoMAX! mobile and never print another work order again saving even more on less paper usage which is also great for the environment.
In terms of Maintenance Management - Maxpanda assists in:
Accounting Integration, Activity Dashboard, Activity Tracking, Alerts/Notifications, API, Asset Life cycle Management, Asset Tracking, Audit Trail, Automated Scheduling, Barcode / Ticket Scanning, Barcoding/QR Codes, Billing & Invoicing, Calendar Management, Calibration & Meter Management, Compliance Management, Customizable Fields, Customizable Forms, Customizable Reports, Data Import/Export, Document Management, Document Storage, Equipment Maintenance, Equipment Tracking, Fixed Asset Management, Historical Reporting, Inspection Management, Inventory Management, Inventory Tracking, Invoice Management, Job Order Management, Maintenance Scheduling, Mobile Access, Monitoring, Multi-Location, Predictive Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, Purchase Order Management, Real Time Data, Real Time Reporting, Reminders through email and Push Notifications, Reporting & Statistics, Scheduling, Service History, Task Management, Task Scheduling, Technician Management, Third Party Integrations, Work Order Management, Workflow Management.
Maxpanda CMMS Software includes
- $0 Setup: Manually upload all your data using Maxpanda Spreadsheets. Upload unlimited buildings, locations, assets, parts and bins in seconds
- Reservations: User may reserve a room, location or asset using a shared calendar between the entire Site
- A Site is an infinite number of Buildings, Locations, Assets and Users. Sites (databases) are operated autonomously within the corporate umbrella
- Lists, Calendars, Maps: View and manage multi status work orders through color coded lists, calendars and live GPS maps
- GoMAX Mobile CMMS App: Built for any iOS/Android smartphone, ipad, tablet including Online or Offline
- GoMAX Mobile GPS: Generate Work Orders in the field with captured GPS location for quick identification
- Parts Inventory: Manage unlimited parts per Site updating quantity, QR/Bar coded for GoMAX, low level notifications and auto Purchase Order generation
- Help Desk A: Any registered user may submit work order requests through desktops and mobiles for follow up through email and push notifications
- Help Desk B: Each Site includes a customized guest portal form for anyone in the world to submit requests placing a link on your website or printing its QR Code
- Staff & Vendor Rating: Rate staff and vendors per work order on desktops/mobiles even through the Guest Portal
- Teams: Create groupings of staff as teams to quickly assign the same team to any work order, metering type or scheduled preventive maintenance
- Asset Management with Metering: Generate work orders on Assets based on a calendar or defined triggers such as runtime, miles, kilos
- Asset Allocation: Manage your all your Assets from head office. Send Assets to various location around the world and track them by where, who, what, when
- Preventative Maintenance + Task Management: Generated Calendar & Dynamic work orders on a set number of days after last work order completed
- Task Groups: Develop your list of Task Groups - A Task Group include multiple Tasks that can be assigned to mulple staff/vendors
- Scheduled Reporting: Generate instant reports for print/download/share or schedule them on a Weekly Monthly basis
- Purchase Orders, Service Type Purchase Orders, Purchase Order Templates
- Vendor Management: Invite unlimited 3rd party contractors to your account. Assign them to work orders, let them invoice you