Building & Category Groups

Building & Category Groups. How to Manage and Maintain thousands of Buildings.

  1. Building Groups can be set for each individual SITE or COMPANY WIDE.
  2. Assign each building to a Building Group.
  3. If you don’t assign a Building to s Building Group, it will always appear during the work order filter process.
  4. Assign any user to 1 Building Group or multiple Building Groups.
  5. By doing this they only have access (view work orders) to the buildings in that Building Group.
  6. They can only submit work orders to buildings/locations assigned to that Building Group.
  7. Assign people to multiple Building Groups or buildings or locations. You can really get fine grained here.

Using Category Groups

Admins can expand pre-existing Category Groups within Maxpanda to fit their organization’s requirements. A Category Group can be defined as a main Work Order Category which consists of multiple Sub Categories. For example, PLUMBING may be designated as a CATEGORY GROUP where PLUMBING-WATER, PLUMBING-H20 and PLUMBING-PIPING may be 3 desired sub-categories. The CATEGORY GROUP and SUB CATEGORIES are filtered and searched on most Work Order management pages within Maxpanda CMMS making it quick and easy for any USER to filter and view work solely in a sub-department (category) such as PLUMBING-WATER.

Company Admins may define Work Order Category Groups and Categories within the COMPANY / Work Order Categories menu under COMPANY SETUP.

cmms preventive maintenance software

Using Maxpanda to Reduce Reactive Maintenance

Reactive maintenance is planned or unplanned work with a priority designation requiring immediate attention

Reactive Problems

Organizations that are reactive typically do not believe it’s possible to perform work any other way. Overall, they get frustrated. Maybe it’s lack of training or leadership resistance. Either way, it’s affecting worker productivity due to the majority of work being unplanned. Unscheduled work also affects job safety. When workers feel rushed, bad things happen. Lastly, those organizations with poor reliability typically waste 10 percent of their company revenue.

Consider This

Maxpanda asset management software plays a major role in the change that you are about to embark on. Typically, users struggle to leverage CMMS in support of asset reliability, this may be because they need better set of instructions or they’re frightened of using computers and smartphones. This is why we built Maxpanda CMMS as well as GoMAX! Mobile CMMS Assistant. Maxpanda will help you improve the way you create, manage and report on your incoming work orders and your preventative maintenance routines. Whether you’re a sole proprietor or national enterprise, Maxpanda has a price plan to fit your budget. We’re pushing the limits of technology and we want you to be part of the journey. Our Mission is to disrupt the CMMS industry with a platform that’s faster, better, and more affordable. Our Fair Pricing Model: For decades CMMS software has been a race to the bottom with clunky outdated solutions offering far more frustration than value. We wanted to change all that by providing software that just works. We want Maxpanda to be an amazing value for your organization — helpful on-boarding with 24/7 support. Maxpanda is an investment in your team and culture. Our fair pricing model is set at a level that allows us to continuously invest in enhancing a solid product & service while providing the greatest user experience & ROI possible.

  1. Establish a solid preventive maintenance (PM). Establish maintenance strategies using formal reliability centered maintenance for quick and easy analysis. Otherwise, rely on manuals from the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and staff experience. A problem arises when that staff retires or manufacturer is out of business. Place emphasis on condition and cost monitoring software, such as Maxpanda CMMS. With early asset defects and identifications, the staff can prevent unplanned breakdowns and collateral damage. By proactively planning needed repairs, your ultimately creating an environment of savings. In support of your Maxpanda CMMS PM program, you should ensure that all maintenance staff members have basic computer knowledge coupled with their maintenance skills.
  2. Synchronize your data with +1000 apps: What does mAPI stand for? mAPI is a proprietary Maxpanda API software specifically developed to securely transfer data from your Maxpanda CMMS database to other software that also operate on highly secure API web protocols. mAPI Software Integration. Join millions of people like you who seek to manage their work orders online, seamlessly integrate preventative maintenance routines on buildings, vehicles, locations, assets and much more into their existing systems.
  3. Establish a amazing reliability team. It helps to have more than one person focused on asset, building, location, warehouse and plant availability. These staff should rely heavily on the CMMS system for failure analysis, as well as decision making pertaining towards any root cause analysis.
  4. Perform root cause analysis (RCA) on worst events to identify the true cause based on the trigger point. Use Maxpanda CMMS by setting metered triggers in addition to PM schedules for each major piece of equipment.
  5. Perform localized inspections where and when needed evaluating specific assets to isolate problems and failures comparing the history through Maxpanda Active Reporting Modules.
  6. Utilize defect elimination techniques, such as brainstorming, quality circles and kaizen events, all of which involve working level and cross-functional group discussions.
  7. Conduct system walk-downs and record problems using your GoMAX! Mobile App as individual staff or groups.
  8. Establish a core team to manage Maxpanda CMMS daily or weekly. Train your staff on the importance of data entry, establish business rules, build standard operating procedures (SOPs), set up mandatory fields and TASKS and conduct periodic audits.
  9. Perform formal job planning to provide sequenced task steps, material/craft requirements, safety/hazard precautions, as well as reference materials and permits. Job instructions help keep workers safe, organized and informed. Job plans also help the craft follow standardized actions to ensure asset performance. The planner role is multifaceted, but key points include a well defined pm & task library.
  10. Create a formal weekly schedule process by selecting the fully planned work that can be relied on by operations, maintenance, warehouse/purchasing, and health, safety and the environment.
  11. Train maintenance staff as well as vendors to not perform self-inflicted reactive maintenance whereby they purposely decide to do unscheduled, low priority work. Schedule all work orders and metered and preventative maintenance in Maxpanda with strict priority settings matching industry standards.
operating asset

Parts & Bins on your GoMax Mobile Assistant App

Company Admin/Company Editor/Site Admin/Site Editor can see all bins and can add/remove parts
Staff can see but not add/remove parts from bins
Submitters/Tenants/Viewers/Vendors cannot access bins

1. Scan Bin QR Code:

Bin Name
Bin Number
“Add Part” button

List of parts in the bin:
Part Name
Part Number
Quantity in Bin

*Company Admin/Company Editor/Site Admin/Site Editor/Staff can see this screen.
*Submitters/Tenants/Viewers/Vendors cannot.

Bin List Screen:

Company Admin/Company Editor/Site Admin/Site Editor can select part to add/remove parts from bin. Staff cannot select parts

2. To add/remove parts from bin, select desired part from the list.

Part Name
Part Number
Quantity in Bin (total amount of that part in the bin)
Quantity Available (amount of parts not in any bin)
Box to enter Quantity
Add button, remove button
Buttons double as save buttons and adjust the total parts in bin.
Cancel Button

Adding/removing parts from bin:

1/2 B. Combine 1 + 2 into one screen option:
See all bins, quantities and add and remove from same screen.

3. Select the “Add Part” button will allow you to add a new part to the bin (since it is not in the bin, it cannot be selected from the list)

Options to select part from a list or scan the Parts QR Barcode.
This should work the same way as adding a part to a work order.

“Add Part” button
“Scan Part” button
Select Part from drop-down list (similar to adding part to work order)

Adding part to bin:

Once a part is selected, choose the quantity to add to the bin.
Quantity available is the amount of parts on hand not currently in a bin.

Can add multiple different parts to the bin add once If Part being added is already in the bin, merge them together, adding the 2 totals together.

4. Selectin a Bin from menu

Menu options available in main menu under “My WO’s”
Menu option called “Bins”

Selecting “Bins” brings up a list of all bins in the Site.

List each Bins name and number: Bin Name
Bin Number

Select a bin will bring up the parts available in that bin. (See #1).

5. Adding parts to work order

If client has not created any bins in their account, nothing in this process changes.

If client has created Bins:
Initial screen doesn’t change

If part added or scanned in also linked to a bin, adding the part should bring up a list of the quantity of parts not currently binned, as well as each bin the part is linked to and the quantity in that bin.

6. Scanning a Part QR Code

Scanning a part’s QR code should bring up current menu.

Selecting the Inventory should now list all inventory, including bins where the part is located.

Option A: Simple List; select to add and remove
Similar to Bin menu option, but reverse Parts and Bins

Select the bin lets you add to remove parts from bin.

Option B: Combined list
List of all bins, can add or remove from the same screen.

1. Assets
a. While creating Assets, the uniqueness for a record is Site Name + Asset Name.
b. Data will get override for a record if Site Name + Asset Name is already present in database. Then, it will update other fields for that record. Else it will create a new record for that Site.

2. Bins
a. While Creating Bins, the uniqueness for a record is Site Name + Bin Name.
b. Data will get override for a record if Site Name + Bin Name is already present in database. Then, it will update other fields for that record. Else it will create a new record for that Site.

3. Building
a. While Creating Building, the uniqueness for a record is Site Name + Building Name.
b. Data will get override for a record if Site Name + Building Name is already present in database. Then, it will update other fields for that record. Else it will create a new record for that Site.

4. Location
a. While Creating Location, the uniqueness for a record is Site Name + Location Name + Building Name. In this case we can have same Site Name and Location Name but Building Name must be unique. For example (Maxpanda HQ + Room 001 + Building A) and (Maxpanda HQ + Room 001 + Building B). Both records are new records.
b. Data will override for a record if Site Name + Location Name + Building Name is already present in database. Then, it will update other fields for that record. Else it will create a new record for that Site.

5. Part
a. While Creating Part, the uniqueness for a record is Site Name + Part Name.
b. Data will override for a record if Site Name + Part Name is already present in database. Then, it will update other fields for that record. Else it will create a new record for that Site.

6. Vendor
a. While Creating Vendor, the uniqueness for a record is Site Name + Vendor Name.
b. Data will override for a record if Site Name + Vendor Name is already present in database. Then, it will update other fields for that record. Else it will create a new record for that Site.

7. Customer
a. While Creating Customer, the uniqueness for a record is Site Name + Customer Email.
b. Data will override for a record if Site Name + Customer Email is already present in database. Then, it will update other fields for that record. Else it will create a new record for that Site.

cmms site management

Sites Departments Regions

What are Sites?

A Site (or Department) is an infinite number of Buildings housing unlimited Locations, Assets and Users. All managed by a Site Admin. Sites are able to operate autonomously within the Corporate umbrella and managed by you the Company Admin and/or Company Editor.

Creating a Site
When you first create your company account you will have a default Site called Corporate. The corporate name can be changed anytime to whatever you prefer. This Site is your initial database and depending on your selected SUBSCRIPTION PLAN you are allowed to have 1-100 databases managed by you, the Company Admin/Editor.

To create a new Site:
1. Select SITES menu option from the left-hand menu
3. Give your Site a name and description
4. SAVE. You now have 2 Sites.

You have now created your first Site.

Switching between Sites

When you are viewing a Site you will only be able to view Buildings, Locations, Assets and Work Orders assigned to that Site. Any Buildings, Locations, Assets and Work Orders you create within that Site will be assigned to that Site.

Users can switch between Sites from the drop-down menu located in the upper right corner.

Adding Buildings, Locations and Assets to Sites.

Select the Site you want to add Buildings, Locations or Assets to from the drop-down menu located in the upper right hand corner.

Add a Building
Add Locations
Add Assets
(Already in Tech Doc)

Moving Buildings, Locations, Assets between Sites

To move your Buildings, Locations, Assets between Sites:

1. Select SITES > VIEW ALL from the main menu.
2. Click the blue EDIT button for the Site you want to move your Buildings, Locations and Assets in or out of.

To move a Building/Location/Asset into a Site, check off the Buildings/Locations/Assets you wish to move then click ADD.

The Building/Location/Asset, along with any associated Locations, Assets or Work Orders have now been moved into the new Site.

To remove a Building/Location/Asset from a Site, check off the Building/Location/Asset to want to remove and click REMOVE.

The Building/Location/Asset has now been removed and placed in the default Corporate Site.

Deleting a Site

To delete a Site:
1. Select SITES > VIEW ALL from the main menu.
2. Click the red X for the Site you wish to delete.

Note: You cannot delete Sites that have Buildings, Locations, Assets or Work Orders associated with it.

Assigning Users to Sites

Users can be assigned to multiple Sites with a different user role in each.

To assign User roles and Sites:

1. Select STAFF/USERS > USER LIST from the main menu
2. Click the blue EDIT button

3. Click the ADD button.

4. Assign a USER ROLE and SITE from the drop-down menu


Viewing Work Orders

To view work orders for a Site:

1. Select the Site from the drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner
2. Select WORK ORDERS from the main menu
3. Select VIEW ALL
4. To view all work orders from all Sites, select COMPANY WORK ORDERS

Note: You can toggle between Sites by selecting another Site from the drop-down menu.

Guest Portal
a. Activated per Site

Each Site must enable the Guest Portal in order to allow guests to submit work requests within that Site. The Guest Portal is located in the Site menu option. Each Site manages their own guest portal. Guest portal forms do not require username passwords. Guest Portals can be set up to allow scanning of their QR CODE. For example, a nurse or student can scan the GP QR code and submit a new work order request.

Enabling the Guest Portal:

1. Select the Site you wish to enable the guest portal for from the drop-down menu located in the upper right-hand corner.

2. Select SITES > GUEST SERVICES from the main menu.
3. Check the box to enable Guest Services.
4. Enter a code word

A link will be generated that will then enable guests to submit work orders; simply provide them with the link.

2. Custom Emails Whenever a work order is created, assigned, or its status changes, emails are sent out to users affected. You can customize what these emails say for each category of email.

To customize your emails select Company > Custom Emails from the main menu. Type in what you would like each type of email to say and click Save. Please note: emails are not customizable by Site. All users across all Sites will receive these emails.

gomax mobile cmms v5.4

GoMAX! Mobile CMMS Assistant

The mobile application that Maxpanda offers is a very useful tool for users that you have who are always on the go. These users can go from location to location submitting work orders. In most cases, the main users will be the staff or vendors dealing with the work orders tasks first hand. These users will be simply submitting and completing work orders (ie a machine operator submitting a work order when his/her machine breaks down). Therefore, we have kept our mobile app as simple as possible.

The 4 main functions are:

1. Submit work orders
2. My work orders
3. My to do list
4. Overdue work orders

These functions are completed the same way they are completed on the desktop application. For further instructions on these functions, please see section 5 (work orders).

1. Back button alert on editing the following pages:

  • Create WO
  • WO Details
  • WO Task Edit
  • Create WO Invoice
  • Edit WO Invoice
  • Asset Details

For the above pages if the user makes any changes to any of the input fields and hit the back button without saving the changes, then the user will be prompted to a save the changes. If no change is made to any of the fields then no alert will be shown when the back button is hit.

2. Changes in the Parts module:

  • For speed optimization GoMAX does not fetch all the parts data such as site list, vendor list and the locations list in the “Review Parts” page. So the data needed to display only are fetched i.e. selected vendor and selected locations.
  • When a users having user roles like site admin, company admin, company editor, site editor, supervisor unlimited, that have edit permission, clicks on the “Part Details” button a popup is shown. This popup ask the user to “Review this part” by clicking on the “Details” button or the “manage” button.
  • If the user clicks on the “Details” button then he/she is redirected to the View mode of the part details where the user can only view the details of the part but cannot edit them. Here we fetch part details, selected sites, selected vendor, selected location etc. but leave out location list, vendor list, site list. This much data is enough for the viewing purpose.
  • If the user clicks on the “Manage” button then he/she is redirected to the Edit mode of the part details where the user can edit the details of the part. Here we fetch all the part data including location list, vendor list, site list for edit purpose.
  • For staff limited, staff unlimited, vendor limited, vendor unlimited, supervisor limited and viewer, that only have view permission no popup is displayed when user clicks on the Part Details button. The user is directly redirected to the View mode of the part details where the user can only view the details of the part but cannot edit them. GoMAX will fetch the minimum part data such as part details, selected sites, selected vendor, selected location etc… and leave out the entire location list, vendor list, site list. This optimizes data retrieval for customers on 3g and/or slower Wi-Fi connections.

Push Notifications auto sent:

  1. To vendors when a WO is assigned to them
  2. To staff when a WO is assigned to them
  3. To supervisor when a WO is created
  4. To staff and vendors when WO is overdue 5. To approver when a PO is created
cmms pm task checklist

Company and System Setup

The COMPANY tab is only available to the ADMIN(s). Editors or other users can not view Company settings.

Edit – Here you can edit your company name, time-zone, phone number and addressv Current Plan – Edit your current plan, move up or down or unsubscribe
Guest Services – Enable guest to visit your Maxpanda account
Change Credit Card – These things tend to expire
Preferences – change time format
Payments Made – view your payment history
Usage – view your: subscription level, next cycle date, number of work orders in the current month and year, data storage used (with limit), and number of pm work orders, assets, users, attachments and storage you have set up

Reset User Password- security is important

Company Setup Procedures

LOCATION TYPE: Create a new location type by going to LOCATION TYPE under COMPANY SETUP in the COMPANY tab. Then click ADD in the top right corner.

1. Fill in fields for the new location type;
i. Name – Name of the location type
ii. Sort order (not required) – the order in which you wish to see the location appear in the drop down menu when creating new locations.
iii. Work order threshold limit (not required) – Enter the number of work order that you feel is normal for a given period below;
iv. Work order threshold period (not required) – Enter the number of DAYS of your threshold limit. Note: Any locations can have as many work orders regardless of the threshold limit you set. This feature is for conducting reports. See sections 16 for more details.

ASSET TYPE: Create a new asset type by going to ASSET TYPE under COMPANY SETUP in the COMPANY tab. Then click ADD in the top right corner.

2. Fill in fields for the new asset type;
v. Name – Name of the asset type
vi. Sort order (not required) – the order in which you wish to see the asset appear in the drop down menu when creating new assets.
vii. Work order threshold limit (not required) – Enter the number of work order that you feel is normal for a given period below;
viii. Work order threshold period (not required) – Enter the number of DAYS of your threshold limit (ie a vehicle as an asset received oil change maintenance would have a normal
threshold limit of 6 work orders per 365 days). Note: Any asset can have as many work orders regardless of the threshold limit you set. This feature is for conducting reports. See sections 16 for more details.

ASSET STATUS: Create a new asset type by going to ASSET STATUS under COMPANY SETUP in the COMPANY tab. Then click ADD in the top right corner.

1. Fill in fields for the new asset status;
i. Name – Name of the asset status
ii. Sort order (not required) – the order in which you wish to see the asset appear in the drop down menu when creating new assets and during app use.

INVOICE ITEM TYPE: Create a new invoice item type by going to INVOICE ITEM TYPE under COMPANY SETUP in the COMPANY tab. Then click ADD in the top right corner. Now enter the name of the invoice item type and click save.

INVOICE TAXES: Add or edit the all the tax rates that automatically appear when adding invoices. Note: you can always change these rates when creating the invoices.

WORK ORDER CATEGORY: Add or edit the work order categories you, your team or clients see when creating work orders. Work categories help you filter and group work orders by categories that fit your organization. Each Maxpanda client is different in many ways so let the application fit your needs.

WORK ORDER PRIORITY: Add or edit the levels of work order priorities you, your team or clients see when creating a work order.

cmms calendar

Work Order and Preventative Maintenance Calendar

Monthly View: Shows all wo’s for each day

Weekly View: Shows all day items at the top and hourly scheduled wo’s

The Calendar provides added benefits when working with work orders. These include:

  • Hyperlinks open work orders
  • Drag n Drop work orders from 1 day to another
  • Alter entire pm occurrences by day week or month
  • Alter either the pm schedule or future occurrence
  • Change the amount of time allotted to complete the work order
  • Color coded links to show current status

Work Order status colors:

  • Yellow – pending, you need to approve a new work order.
  • Green means go – you’ve Approved a new work order.
  • Red – Overdue, was not completed or closed in time depending on the due date during the approval stage.
  • Black – Rejected. Add a note for history, the submitter receives this as well.
  • Grey – Cancelled. Maybe there we’re 2 submitted and you simply needed to cancel one.
  • Blue – FUTURE PM. These can only be viewed in the calendar (future dates) or in VIEW UPCOMING list.
  • Pink – Reopened. Maybe you forgot to add an invoice or picture. Go ahead reopen closed work orders.
  • Orange – Completed. This status color is reserved for the RESOURCE or MAINTENANCE ROLE only.
  • Brown – Closed. When the work is done, close the work order.

The Maxpanda CMMS Calendar view also provides instant popup notifications for more details per work order without actually opening the work order.

maxpanda work orders

Unlimited Maintenance Management Work Orders on the Enterprise

Maxpanda conveniently organizes your day to day and preventative work orders (wo’s). WO’s are very permission based. The software is dependent on these permissions to allow user view.edit rights. Email and push notifications are also sent per STATUS change. Review this PDF (download it and print it) for detailed email and push triggers.

View All – This is the default list for all your generated work orders. Here you can;
1. Edit work orders
2. Filter work orders to find what you’re looking for
3. Import your work order to excel, adobe, etc
4. Add work orders

View Overdue – Lists all overdue work orders (RED)

This is a very important feature of Maxpanda CMMS system as you can view, edit and filter all of your overdue work orders.

View Pending – You need to approve these work orders. They’re in limbo.
This tab will be a very important page for your administrator, secretary, office staff, etc whom are looking over all work orders within your organization. When work orders are submitted they will need to be approved before they go live to your staff or vendors. To do so, click on the edit button circled.

Once here, your admin user or editor should review the entire work order before approving. It is important to make sure all tasks, staff, parts, etc. are correctly assigned to the work order. The admin/editor can also make changes to the work order. Once he/she has done so, they can either: 1. approve the work order or 2. Cancel the work order

Once it is approved, all involved users will receive email notification regarding the work order. It will then show up on their to-do list.
Create New – Create a new work order. You can do it!
You can submit work orders by clicking on the green ‘submit wo’ at the top of the page, click ADD in the view all menu, or by simply clicking the Submit wo tab.

Steps: 1. Fill in required fields;
a. Title – This is the title in your subject line that shows up in the email sent to all staff involved
b. Category – Select from the drop down menu the type of work order. To learn how to add an additional work order category please see section 18 (company setup) by clicking here
c. Priority – Select from the drop down menu the level of priority. To learn how to add an additional level of priority please see section 18 (company setup) by clicking here
d. Start and end date – the start and end date is automatically set to start on the creation date and end 7 days in the future. You can set these for any dates. Note: Only the admin and editor can change these dates, all other users cannot.

2. Fill-in non-required fields a. Fill in field you feel is necessary for your work order.

Staff Work Orders – Search and organize your work orders by internal resources (maintenance staff). All you need to do is enter the date range and choose which staff you will like to view.
My Work Orders – These are all the work orders you’ve submitted into your account.
My To Do List – You’ve been assigned to these work orders. Let’s get to work.

cmms plan

CMMS Pre-planning & Setup

Most new clients find this following implementation plan to be most effective. Note: it is not required to add any of the following data to your new Maxpanda CMMS Account. You may submit work orders anytime you are ready.

  1. Upon signing in click on (left main menu) – COMPANY and select PREFERENCES. If you want to show time stamps on your work orders choose YES. If you want to create work orders using minutes (i.e. a PM should take 45 minutes and is due today) then select 24 Hour Time Format. Selecting the 12 hour format makes PM scheduling/closing an all day standard.
  2. Click on Company Setup (left main menu) – Maxpanda CMMS comes with the standard Location Type, Asset Type, Asset Status, Work Order Category and Work Order Priority. If you need to add and define your own please do so now.
  3. Add your BUILDINGS – Very important since BUILDINGS are the parents to LOCATIONS & ASSETS.
  4. Add your LOCATIONS – When submitting a work order you can use BUILDINGS to filter thousands of LOCATIONS easily.
  5. Add your ASSETS – Since your LOCATIONS are populated, you and your Vendors will know where the ASSET is location.
  6. Invite USERS – We have 7 roles to choose from when inviting USERS. Simply enter a users email address, select a role and they do the rest.
  7. Add your PARTS – Parts are associated to ASSETS and the inventory/cost is tracked by the system.
  8. Add your DOCUMENTS – If you have pictures of your ASSETS or LOCATIONS etc…it’s time to add those to your library.
  9. Create TASKS – Your TASK library will help you save time when adding new TASKS to wo’s or pm’s for approval. Create as many TASKS you think may occur in your company once and they’ll be available ad hoc. Each TASK TEMPLATE can hold unlimited TASKS, be creative!
  10. Schedule an internal maintenance meeting. Create new processes around your new Maxpanda CMMS Software. Slowly roll them out to your co-workers and vendors.
maxpanda screenshots

Screenshots 2016

Add, edit and track unlimited Assets.

The work order list is color coded providing you with a sense of urgency Color codes definitions can be found in the Calendar View.

The Maxpanda CMMS Calendar is an amazing tool! The Calendar displays both hourly preventative maintenance work orders and daily. The Calendar has drop and drag capabilities for manipulating pm and work order dates. This makes handling time, resources and your team a breeze. This screenshot is the DAY AND WEEK view.

The Calendar displays all your preventative maintenance schedules. It also shows FUTURE PM’s so you know what’s coming up next week, month, year.

Real-time reports within your dashboard. Search all work order status or counts instantly. Need to know whose working on what? Search it, Download it, Save it, Store it!

ITIL Incident Management

Maxpanda ITIL Incident Management

Definition of ITIL Incident Management

ITIL Incident Management is focused on rapid restoration of services with minimal impact to the business operations. The Incident Management process often relies upon temporary workarounds to ensure services are up and running while the underlying problems are investigated and permanent solutions are put in place. The process places more emphasis on restoring the ability to perform the service, than on fixing the underlying problem. Investigating the root causes and fixing the underlying problem is part of ITIL’s Problem Management process. In most cases Incident Management process is owned and executed by the Maxpanda requester/submitter. ITIL Incident Management notification tends to come from users, but IT detection systems can also ring incident alarms. The details of the incident are recorded permanently in the incident management system and gets categorized according to predefined criteria for the purpose of diagnosis and prioritization. Additional details regarding the incident are gathered and used along with tools such as the knowledge base to attempt resolution. Incident service requests are formally managed through a staged process from inception to conclusion.

Implications For Your Business

An incident is any event that is not part of the standard operation of an IT service that causes, or may cause, an interruption in, or a reduction of service. The goal of ITIL Incident Management is to restore normal service operation as quickly as possible with minimum disruption to the business, thus ensuring that the best achievable levels of availability and service are maintained. The Maxpanda submitter will usually play the key role within the ITIL Incident Management process. They are typically the single point of contact, recording and monitoring the progress of Incidents as well retaining ownership of them throughout their lifecycle.

How Maxpanda CMMS Helps

Maxpanda CMMS supports ITIL Incident Management process to ensure that incidents result minimal business disruptions. It further aims to provide meaningful inputs to the Problem Management process that may follow. Maxpanda CMMS makes it easy for end users to report incidents by email or submit requests from Maxpanda CMMS self-service portal. End user can monitor the status of incidents and receive notifications and communications (such as messages requesting further input) while the incident is being worked and resolved. By allowing incidents to be classified and routed automatically or manually to a skill-based queue where they can be addressed by the first available technician with the required skill set, Maxpanda CMMS helps keep the lid on disruptions caused by incidents. Business rules in Maxpanda CMMS apply appropriate priority to incidents that could cause the most harm to the business operations. Maxpanda CMMS also enables end users and staff to report symptoms and conditions that may serve as input to the problem management process. Maxpanda CMMS knowledge management process provides guidance and helps to expedite incident resolution.

saas cmms - software as a service

Software as a Service – Maxpanda CMMS Benefits

Computerized Maintenance Management System

What is CMMS? Well let me just say it’s a Web-Based s software you use over the internet with a web browser. You don’t have to install any CDs, download any software, or worry about upgrades. If you use an online bank or web-based email program like Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo then you’ve already used web-based software before.

And why is it better for your business or organization?
When you use web-based software you don’t have to worry about anything technical — you can just do your work. We handle all the security, 100% uptime monitoring, backups, software upgrades and other “I.T. Guru” stuff. You can stay focused on what you’re good at and we’ll handle the rest.

Our Web-based software is the safest
With installed software, people save their data on their own computers. It’s not the smartest choice, especially if you do not have a full team of I.T. experts. Loss data accumulates over time, computers are never backed up. When you use Maxpanda’s web-based software (software as a service – saas), your data is stored on AWS‘s ultra secure, always-updated, backed-up daily enterprise-class servers located in 16 state-of-the-art data centers across North America. Why 16? If a primary server ever goes down your data and traffic is automatically routed through to the 2nd, 3rd and so forth. You will always have access to your data “24/7” anywhere around the world..

Everything together in one safe place
A key advantage to web-based software is that all your data is centralized and accessible over the web from any computer at any time. You can’t leave something on the wrong computer since everything is stored in one place on the web. You can get to it from anywhere. Safe, secure, and password protected, of course.

Your data is automatically backed up, it’s in the CLOUD
All data is stored in multiple locations for additional redundancy. You could say our backups have backups. In fact, Amazon’s web services are HIPAA compliant.

Your data is safe and secure with us
Our state-of-the-art servers are protected by biometric locks and 24-hour surveillance. Our software and infrastructure is updated regularly with the latest security patches. The traffic on our network flows behind an enterprise-class firewall to keep your data safe. We handle the I.T. you handle your work orders. Data security is our #1 priority and as such your data is on the Amazon Cloud. Amazon Web Compliance: Compliance Docs. Compliance whitepaper: Whitepapers. Security webpage: Security is our #1 priority. Security whitepaper: Security is our #1 priority. HIPAA Webpage: HIPAA References. HIPAA whitepaper: HIPAA Whitepaper

any browser smartphone tablet

You’re always using the latest and greatest Unlike traditional software that requires you to download and install updates yourself causing time delays, Maxpanda Computerized Maintenance Management System products are updated automatically. Each time you securely log into our cmms software you’re always using the latest and greatest version (view top left version in your dashboard).

There’s nothing to install, ever – I.T. departments love us!
With Maxpanda Computerized Maintenance Management System there’s nothing to download or install. Just log in with the web-browser you already have such as Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera or Safari. It’s just like your online bank or web-based email program. Easy, fast, safe and familiar! You can work from home or on the road. When you use Maxpanda Computerized Maintenance Management System your maintenance office is everywhere and data is accessible anywhere with internet access or data plan.

Regularly-updated infrastructure
Our software infrastructure (backend as they say) is updated regularly with the latest security patches. Our products run on a dedicated network which is locked down with firewalls and monitored 24/7 to keep any type of dragon at bay.

Browser compatibility Maxpanda CMMS works on any mobile device and all major desktop browsers. We love Firefox and Google’s Chrome but the choice is yours. Our software supports all modern web browsers (PC & Mac) including Firefox®, Safari, Google® Chrome, Opera & Internet Explorer. While we strive to give every Product a seamless near-identical experience across each of these browsers, it is impossible to compensate for the lack of web standards in some of these browsers; particularly with Internet Explorer. Don’t forget, Maxpanda works on any iOS or Android tablet and smartphone in the world.

facilities management program

Unlimited Preventive Maintenance Shared Library

The PM Library is your list of all system generated preventative maintenance work orders towards a location (bathroom, unit, building, garage etc..) or asset (any type of equipment). The PM Library is very powerful allowing you to create a full featured preventive schedule and letting the application do the rest. Full email and push notifications are handle through the app leaving the ADMIN to simply review COMPLETED work orders and CLOSE them off.

Step by Step to creating your 1st PM

  1. Select PM LIBRARY within your dashboard menu then CREATE NEW PM
  2. The PM is setup in 2 parts. Part 1, 1st page:Title – Input a short title to reference your pm. The title is also the subject line in all outgoing email and push notifications.Work Order Category – This list is edited by the ADMIN in COMPANY SETTINGS and used to group work orders into a defined category.Priority – This list is edited by the ADMIN in COMPANY SETTINGS and used to group work orders in priority such as Urgent, Medium, Service Level Agreement etc…

    Generate Work Orders – You may pause the generation of pm work orders.

    All Day Task – If selected this means a STAFF or VENDOR has until midnight to COMPLETE the work. If unchecked, you can specify the duration of the work in minutes.

    Contact Email – Sometimes you don’t want to invite a contractor or staff into your account as a new USER. Use this field to add an external person to the work order and receive notication through email. Using semi colon, you may add multiple people to a work order.

    Short Description – Use 3-4 keywords to describe the work. In the future your STAFF and/or VENDOR will not require reading the entire Notes.

    Notes – Use notes to write up your PM requirements clearly. Notes can be step by step todo items regarding the PM by the manufacturer.

    Files – Alternatively you may attach unlimited files to a PM. These can be O & M manuals, Images, Office docs and even audio files. The attachments are always available within the pm for review by the staff/vendor.

    Save – Once you have completed all the data requirements click SAVE and move to step #2.

  3. PM Setup Part 2:The entire PM is part of a 5 page according. We are now on page 1 of 5 sections. Assign assets, locations, parts, staff and vendors to the scheduled pm. You have a choice, either do this now or when the PM is generated. Since pm’s are system generated and auto APPROVED (green) you should do this now.PM Assets – This will be the dropdown selection for all your equipment/assets in your database. For example, if you schedule a monthly oil change on your truck the asset is your truck.

    PM Locations – This will be the dropdown selection for all your Locations in your database. Use BUILDINGS to group locations making it easier to filter through hundreds. By typing in any letter, Maxpanda auto filters your lists alphabetically.

    Parts – You have a choice here. Pre-assign parts when creating your ASSET list (assigning parts to each asset) or assign parts at the pm level. If you assigned parts to an asset previously you do not need to add the part within the pm, Maxpanda CMMS handles that for you. As parts are assigned to pm’s, they are available for consumption when the work order is completed by staff/vendor and inventory is auto managed by the app.

    Assigned Staff – If you assign the pm to an internal maintenance staff at this point they will always receive the generated pm, email and be assigned to it in their work order list.

    Assigned Vendor – If you assign the pm to an external vendor/contractor at this point they will always receive the generated pm, email and be assigned to it in their work order list.

  4. PM Setup Part 3, The Schedule:Recurrence pattern – Maxpanda CMMS mimics Microsoft Outlook Scheduling system making it familiar to you. Create a pm work schedule daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and in any permutation.Range of recurrence – A recurrence is a new system generated work order. You can create an endless schedule or define how many occurences you want to generate. In the above example we see a pm wo will generate every 2 months (1st Monday of each Month) and for 6 times. Meaning our PM was for a 1 year period on a location or asset.
  5. PM Setup Part 4, PM Tasks:Tasks – It is for your benefit to pre-assign TASKS (created by you in your TASK LIBRARY) to your PM’s. Tasks can be ordered in priority and assigned to various staff/vendors. You as the admin can create tasks that must be completed before the pm is closed. Each task can hold unlimited items to be completed by staff/vendors. Tasks are powerful and allow the admin to ensure all work has been completed for the pm. Get creative, create multiple Tasks now to see how they fit into your organization.
  6. PM Setup Part 5, PM Attachments:Attachments – Attach working drawings, schematics, O & M manuals, Images, MP3’s, Office documents to your pm’s. These items are visible to everyone you assign to the pm. Staff/Vendors can even update the files or take new pictures using smartphone/tablets and add to the pm or work order. Great for condition reporting on assets/locations.
  7. PM Setup Part 6, PM Occurrences:
    Maxpanda CMMS stores every generated work order for each of your pm’s within your pm template giving you quick access to all your historical data conducted on a location or asset. In this example we can open up each work order generated from this pm as far back as October 2013 allowing us to review the history of the entire wo.
maxpanda cmms software

Q & A Overview

Maxpanda CMMS Questions & Answers

Q. How many USERS can I invite into my account?
A. Unlimited. This applies to internal/external staff and vendors.

Q. How much data can I store in my account?
A. Visit our CMMS Subscription Plan section for full details. Keep in mind, Maxpanda compresses all files uploaded to the Amazon Cloud in order to maintain quality and speed when uploading/downloading files, pictures and even audio to work orders.

Q. What database is used for my data?
A. Mysql. But YOUR DATA is always available to you to download in csv, excel, pdf, txt etc… and printed within your Dashboard 24/7.

Q. Can I upload images within WO’s, MT’s & PMs workorder?
A. Yes of course, each file attached to a work order has a limit of 10 Megs whether you upload it from a mobile, tablet or desktop. Files such as office docs, guides, images, audio and o&m manuals can attached.

Q. Are work orders date/time stamped?
A. Maxpanda’s work flow is fluid. A PM is scheduled, generated, assigned to a worker (pre or post), time stamped with generation date and each step of the way Maxpanda will time stamp either closed dates and reopened/closed dates. A full history of every PM occurrence is always available within each PM that is generated. Think about it, no more searching or reporting on the history of that asset or location! It’s right there each time a pm is generated.

Q. I need time to get acquainted and setup my Maxpanda.
A. We provide you with a 7 day free trial starting from the day you register your new account. This gives all our clients ample enough time to setup their company, train staff and begin changing company culture.

Q. We currently use a bunch of excel sheets to record our assets and locations. Work orders are provided to the maintenance department on paper.
A. No problem. We provide you an excel template which you simply fill out (copy & paste). We can import your data into your new Maxpanda cmms account overnight.

Q. We don’t have internal maintenance staff, only external vendors that work on our properties.
A. That’s great! Just setup all your vendor contacts list in your dashboard. When you need a vendor to perform a job task simply add them to the work order you are about to approve. They receive an email notification. The entire process is performed from the comfort of your office or on the road. PLEASE DO NOT USE MAXPANDA WHILE DRIVING ANY VEHICLES!

Q. Is there a way to customize the email notifications that are sent out as reminders? Like a Preventative maintenance scheduled email that includes at least the title of the event?
A. WORK ORDER TITLE is included in the SUBJECT LINE of all email notifications. The email also includes a link directly to the work order in your account.

Q. I noticed the PM Occurrences Tab, under the Preventative Maintenance – Edit page, has an “On Hold” column but I do not see a way to actually utilize this, is it an available feature?
A. You as the Admin may enable PM’s on hold anytime. This is where you’ll see your OnHold PM’s WO’s listed. In the PM menu while editing a PM, simply select the ‘NO’ feature.

Q. Is there a way to customize the Work Order Status names?
A. No; only the ASSET Status can be modified which is then applied to the WO. This feature and other company modifications can be changed created in the COMPANY SETUP menu.

Q. Can I schedule a Preventative maintenance WO in time-based mode rather than per day? This is important because work orders need to be scheduled in certain time frame during the day so as not to effect operations.
A. Yes. Each pm schedule can be generated hourly. Maxpanda allows start times at specific times of day depending how you set up your PM. For example, you may have a start time of 6pm and a due date of 9pm for the same day. HOURLY scheduling and altering of your PM’s can be manipulated through your Calendar View as well.

Q. Can I reschedule PMs for our operation in that I constantly need to reschedule PMs around other work orders and events.
A. You are allowed to alter the SCHEDULE anytime for each PM. In fact you can alter each OCCURENCE (present or future) or the PM Schedule right from your dashboard or calendar view.

Q. Do my PM’s have a history or recurrence listing of all generated PM’s related to my schedules?
A. A recurrence listing column to show how often each PM has been generated is included within each Preventative Maintenance Work Order. No need to generate reports or view history data. All your generated pm occurrences are listed per PM.

Q. Can I filter work orders by Title, Status, Date, etc?
A. Yes. Your Work Order List has all the filters you need in real time.

Q. Can I print my work orders (single or multiple)?
A. Yes. You may print, copy to system memory, export to excel or pdf.

Q. I have many clients that I want to submit work orders from around my campus on our computers. How do I put a shortcut for Maxpanda on their desktops?
A. Easy. Simply click on CREATE NEW WORK ORDER in your panel. Save it as a shortcut on your desktop then distribute that shortcut to all computers you would like work orders coming from. You can rename it as well.

A more effective solution is to ENABLE your GUEST PORTAL SERVICE link & copy/paste on your website, intranet or email. Review the top 2 images here

Q. What countries does Maxpanda support?
A. We accept payments in your supported currencies from the following countries:
AED: United Arab Emirates Dirham AFN: Afghan Afghani* ALL: Albanian Lek AMD: Armenian Dram ANG: Netherlands Antillean Gulden AOA: Angolan Kwanza* ARS: Argentine Peso* AUD: Australian Dollar* AWG: Aruban Florin AZN: Azerbaijani Manat BAM: Bosnia & Herzegovina Convertible Mark BBD: Barbadian Dollar BDT: Bangladeshi Taka BGN: Bulgarian Lev BIF: Burundian Franc BMD: Bermudian Dollar BND: Brunei Dollar BOB: Bolivian Boliviano* BRL: Brazilian Real*BSD: Bahamian Dollar BWP: Botswana PulaBZD: Belize Dollar CAD: Canadian Dollar* CDF: Congolese Franc CHF: Swiss Franc CLP: Chilean Peso* CNY: Chinese Renminbi Yuan COP: Colombian Peso* CRC: Costa Rican Colón* CVE: Cape Verdean Escudo* CZK: Czech Koruna* DJF: Djiboutian Franc* DKK: Danish KroneDOP: Dominican Peso DZD: Algerian Dinar EEK: Estonian Kroon* EGP: Egyptian Pound ETB: Ethiopian Birr EUR: Euro FJD: Fijian Dollar FKP: Falkland Islands Pound* GBP: British Pound GEL: Georgian Lari GIP: Gibraltar Pound GMD: Gambian Dalasi GNF: Guinean Franc* GTQ: Guatemalan Quetzal* GYD: Guyanese Dollar HKD: Hong Kong Dollar HNL: Honduran Lempira* HRK: Croatian Kuna HTG: Haitian Gourde HUF: Hungarian Forint IDR: Indonesian Rupiah ILS: Israeli New Sheqel INR: Indian Rupee* ISK: Icelandic Króna JMD: Jamaican Dollar JPY: Japanese Yen KES: Kenyan Shilling KGS: Kyrgyzstani Som KHR: Cambodian Riel KMF: Comorian Franc KRW: South Korean Won KYD: Cayman Islands Dollar KZT: Kazakhstani Tenge LAK: Lao Kip* LBP: Lebanese Pound LKR: Sri Lankan Rupee LRD: Liberian Dollar LSL: Lesotho Loti LTL: Lithuanian Litas LVL: Latvian Lats MAD: Moroccan Dirham MDL: Moldovan Leu MGA: Malagasy Ariary MKD: Macedonian Denar MNT: Mongolian Tögrög MOP: Macanese Pataca MRO: Mauritanian Ouguiya MUR: Mauritian Rupee* MVR: Maldivian Rufiyaa MWK: Malawian Kwacha MXN: Mexican Peso* MYR: Malaysian Ringgit MZN: Mozambican Metical NAD: Namibian Dollar NGN: Nigerian Naira NIO: Nicaraguan Córdoba* NOK: Norwegian Krone NPR: Nepalese Rupee NZD: New Zealand Dollar PAB: Panamanian Balboa* PEN: Peruvian Nuevo Sol* PGK: Papua New Guinean Kina PHP: Philippine Peso PKR: Pakistani Rupee PLN: Polish Zloty PYG: Paraguayan Guaraní* QAR: Qatari Riyal RON: Romanian Leu RSD: Serbian Dinar RUB: Russian Ruble RWF: Rwandan Franc SAR: Saudi Riyal SBD: Solomon Islands Dollar SCR: Seychellois Rupee SEK: Swedish Krona SGD: Singapore Dollar SHP: Saint Helenian Pound* SLL: Sierra Leonean Leone SOS: Somali Shilling SRD: Surinamese Dollar* STD: São Tomé and Príncipe Dobra SVC: Salvadoran Colón* SZL: Swazi Lilangeni THB: Thai Baht TJS: Tajikistani Somoni TOP: Tongan Pampanga TRY: Turkish Lira TTD: Trinidad and Tobago Dollar TWD: New Taiwan Dollar TZS: Tanzanian Shilling UAH: Ukrainian Hryvnia UGX: Ugandan Shilling USD: United States Dollar UYU: Uruguayan Peso* UZS: Uzbekistani Som VEF: Venezuelan Bolívar* VND: Vietnamese Dong VUV: Vanuatu Vatu WST: Samoan Tala XAF: Central African Cfa Franc XCD: East Caribbean Dollar XOF: West African Cfa Franc* XPF: Cfp Franc* YER: Yemeni Rial ZAR: South African Rand ZMW: Zambian Kwacha